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Hibbard School is a community of diverse languages, cultures and learners where students are becoming: 


  • Critical Thinkers who evaluate information and claims encountered at school and beyond for clarity, accuracy, sound evidence, and good reasoning to determine what’s best.     


  • Lifelong Learners who develop a curiosity for learning about the world around us to make connections with others by expressing ourselves creatively and appreciating the expressions of others.


  • Problem Solvers who make sense of never before seen “messy problems” and persevere in solving them.


  • Risk Takers who try something new and different by drawing on your mistakes, successes, and resources with confidence.


  • Advocates for Oneself and Others by demonstrating empathy and assertiveness in order to contribute positively to the community.


  • Global Citizens who appreciate and celebrate all cultures. In addition, students who participate in the Dual Language Program will become bilingual and biliterate.

Vision & Values

  • Be Responsible

  • Be Respectful

  • Be Safe

  • Séa Responsable

  • Séa respetuosa

  • Séa Seguro

We are a two-way Dual Language School
4th grade students and their tower of cups.png
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